Ever since I had been a young boy, I’d wondered what heaven is like. It is not to be seen in the physical sense of sight but must be perceived by the mind. This is especially true when we observe the different pictures that artists use to portray heaven and God. Once you accept this fact, it becomes easier to understand why there are so many ideas about heaven that are simply unbiblical. For exa mple, imagine the countless drawings and paintings that portray Jesus as a bearded, white-robed figure with flowing hair and always seated in his throne. All of these depictions are man-made and based on little more than human imagination. Though there is nothing wrong in creating these images because that is how humans understand things and use them in communicating their faith. But every believer should never forget to balance his or her beliefs with the inspired words of Scripture. Even though several translations exist of the Holy Bible, the writer still believes in the traditional orthodox Christian belief on Heaven.

In this article, the author will share some of the common misunderstandings people have about heaven as well as some of the things we can expect in our new home, which God has prepared for us (1 Corinthians 2:9). We hope and pray that these few ideas presented here can serve as a helpful reminder to everyone who takes time to read through this article. There may be some skeptics among the readers here who would want to dismiss this as pure speculation but then again they will eventually find out that the Holy Bible is indeed full of unshakeable truths that even the smallest details found within the pages of the Bible are real—and in some cases are a lot better than the truth! And by following one important rule of reading God’s Word, that i s, interpreting bible texts literally, the Word of God can help us to discover the many gems hidden within its pages.

The Three Aspects of Heaven

God’s Word teaches us of three aspects of heaven. First, heaven is the abode of the Lord himself. The holy place where God lives. Second, Heaven is also the place where the good angels live. Angels are spirits from God’s Word (Hebrews 2:14; Hebrews 4:16). Third, heaven is the place where disobedient angels are being punished. For those who deny the truth about heaven, some use the idea that disobedient angels are punished in hell rather than heaven (Matthew 25:30). Nevertheless, with all due respect, it seems clear that Jesus did not intend to contradict the Scriptures (Ephesians 6:18).

Baptizing disciples, washing feet, heckling Pharisees, healing and performing miracles were all meant to declare the Kingdom of God has arrived (Luke 11:20). This is what Christ was pointing out to his detractors, that the very acts he performed clearly showed the incomparable power of the Lord Almighty. When Peter was asked by an inquisitive Roman centurion about his Master, “he replied, “Go away, Satan! The Son of Man did not come into the world to destroy people’s lives but save them. If they know the power of God and take advantage of His forgiveness, they will repent and turn to him” (Matthew 16:22-23; Mark 16:17-18).

It stands to reason, therefore, that the glory of God is present where he has chosen to dwell. In case a believer is not already familiar with the books of 1st and 2nd Kings, let it suffice here to say that the glory of God was visible whenever and wherever his presence could be perceived. The Bible reports this mighty act by Moses when he was instructed by the Lord to send Aaron into the Holy Place and sprinkle blood on the altar. Aaron did exactly that, then later took out his staff, stretched it out toward the rock, struck it twice, and water poured forth. Yet, when Moses returned to camp, he saw what had happened.


It is our belief that all heavenly creatures including the host of angels, saints, and servants that are present in heaven. As believers, God’s people, are described as holy, heavenly, and spiritual beings who are promised to dwell with God forever. However, even though they live in this present age, heavenly citizens are not completely oblivious to the impending doom of this world (Isaiah 52:10-11). Because of this, heavenly citizens will suffer trials and tribulations but only for a short time. Then after the final judgment when Jesus comes to get his followers, they will enjoy the blessings of heaven for eternity (Revelation 20:1-5).

Image credits:https://pixabay.com/illustrations/man-without-leg-wheelchair-human-2311002/